We share our passion with you.

We Teach What We Do.

Through our experiences in the community pharmacy, primary care, and payer settings, we train pharmacists to be not only aware of the clinical demands of patient care but also the demands within the value-based healthcare system. 

Immersive Learning
While we provide content that builds a strong foundation, our signature material focuses on the implementation of collaborative clinical services. 

Flexible Formats
Onsite, on-demand, and continuous learning experiences as well as customized support and longitudinal fellowship programs.

Investment in the Future of Pharmacy
Our team is actively involved in organizations and initiatives that ensure that pharmacists have a seat at the table for years to come. 

Years of experience

ALIE Graduates

Why choose us

Why the Avant Institute?

  • We work with you at any point in your journey with clinical services.
  • A low student-instructor ratio allows instructors to mentor learners.
  • Our instructors are experts in their fields and treat you as a colleague.

Why pharmacists?

For many years, various sectors of the healthcare industry have worked in silos, deepening the divides between the models of care. This has led to a disconnect between healthcare professionals as well as with patients. Through the development of well-rounded pharmacist skills, we are able to better prepare them to meet the growing needs of patients. Coordination of care plays a significant role in improving the management of patients but it takes an understanding of how to leverage the strengths of all members of the healthcare team. By introducing a clinical pharmacist to the primary care team, we believe there is an opportunity to improve quality of care, diversify the skillset of the team, and build a model that creates jobs for pharmacists across the country.

How do I know if your courses are right for me?

If you are a community pharmacist, consultant pharmacist, or ambulatory care pharmacist seeking to build a sustainable model for collaboration between primary care and pharmacists, our courses may be the right fit for you! We focus on clinical services that can be offered across the country.

What have pharmacists done after attending your courses?

Many of our graduates have created new opportunities for their businesses and themselves! This includes adding a new revenue model for community pharmacies, introducing a clinical opportunity for pharmacists wanting a career change without the traditional residency route, creating an innovative pathway for consultant pharmacists to collaborate with providers, and more!

Interested in learning about Trauma-Informed Care?

Around 70% of Americans have reported experiencing some form of trauma. By the time they begin their postgraduate training, healthcare providers have already experienced tragedy, loss, neglect, or abuse. The social, emotional, and mental impact of this trauma can influence how these individuals feel, think, and behave in the workplace and is often worsened by the stress of demanding work conditions. This comprehensive certificate training program and course series is developed by Dr. Helen Sairany, a trauma expert who has first-hand experience on how trauma limits success and innovation in the workplace.
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